It's a New Season

As summer comes to a close and school starts up again, it is a perfect time to re-consider

how you can connect with others around the teaching of the Word of God at Canyon Lake Community Church.

There are SO many opportunities for fellowship, inspiration, spiritual growth and accountability. We wouldn’t want you to miss out!

With all those choices, however, it could feel a bit overwhelming trying to find the perfect fit.

But let us help you:

For the next two Sundays (August 18 & 25), representatives from a number of our ministries will be available on the Patio between services to answer your questions and to help you get connected. Take some time to visit with them and then pray about how God would have you deepen your spiritual growth within the community of Canyon Lake Church.

You... me... we ARE better together!


    One of the best ways you can grow in your own spiritual journey is to engage with others who are also committed to growing in their faith.

    Most of our groups meet in homes throughout the area where we study the Bible, pray for one another and enjoy doing life together.

    register here  INFO EMAIL CALL (951) 244-1877


  • CLCC Preschool

    & Kindergarten

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  • Children's

    Sunday School

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    Members of the Worship Arts ministry lead us each week in corporate worship. Join the team and grow in your faith, increase your skill and enjoy the opportunity to worship in fellowship with others at CLCC.


  • Intercessory Prayer Team

    For individuals with the spiritual gift of prayer who desire to use their gifts in ministering to the needs of others. The prayer team meets on Wednesday afternoons via phone conference.

     INFO EMAIL CALL (951) 244-1877

BIBLE Study Opportunities

  • TUESDAY EVENING Women's Bible Study

    This women's Bible study uses a published curriculum and video guide and meets Tuesday evenings. Perfect for those who don't have availability during the day! Childcare is available upon request.

     INFO EMAIL CALL (951) 244-1877

  • R.E.A.L. Women's Bible study -  WEdnesday Mornings

    This women's Bible study uses a published curriculum and video guide and meets Wednesday mornings. Childcare is available upon request.

    Current Study: Abide by Jen Wilkin

     rEGISTER hERE INFO EMAIL CALL (951) 244-1877

  • W.O.W. (Women of the Word) - Thursday Mornings

    WOW is a women's Bible study that values friendship and diving deep into God's Word.

    Current Study: John

    INFO EMAIL CALL (951) 244-1877


    Two different opportunities to study the Word of God with other men. The Sunday morning study will be going through a study entitled, “Devoted to God” by Sinclair Ferguson. The Thursday morning study will be studying the book of Romans. Both groups offer a great community of men and a deep approach in studying God's Word.

    Sunday mornings at 7:45am

    Thursday mornings at 9:30am

    sunday study: register herethursday study: register hereINFO EMAIL CALL (951) 244-1877


    Join us on Sundays from 4-6pm beginning September 29th. We will be kicking off a discipleship study, “A Contrarian’s Guide to Knowing God” by Larry Osborne. These afternoons consist of lesson, small groups and a time of worship!

    Sundays from 4-6pm

    register hereinfo email

  • pursuit

    Pursuit is an adult Sunday School class designed to help families grow in God's Word and grow with one another.

    Sundays at 9:00am

    info email

  • Pathfinders adult sunday school

    Join us each week for biblically based lessons, encouragement and fellowship.

    Sundays, 10:30-11:30 AM in the Chapel

    EMAIL CALL (951) 244-1877


    A biblically-based deep dive into the doctrines of the Christian faith.

    Meets Monday nights at 6:30 PM

    REGISTRATION INFO CALL (951) 244-1877


  • Celebrate


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  • Caregivers' Connection

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  • Grief share

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  • women's circles

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